Eternal Grandmaster

Lyraine Alei

Lyraine Alei | Member Since 6 Jun, 2018
105 Followers 303595 Page views 1373 Likes

Name: Ashlee Alternative Names: A.G. (used on my artwork)

I'm mostly building Soplas, which is a Setting on the world of Corive, but I greatly enjoy "throwing spaghetti around to see what sticks on the walls," as I call it (I think I stole it from somewhere else?) to help not only other people with their ideas, but start moving things around in my own ideas again.

Premier League

Interests & Hobbies

World Building/Lore Crafting, Character designing or "Alternative Interpretations Of Characters, Please Stop Doing That Lyraine!"

Favorite Movies

Secondhand Lions

Favorite Books

Blinks Just one book? How about series?
Star Wars [Old Expanded Universe, RIP],
Theirs Is Not To Reason Why,
Redwall Series,

Favorite Writers

Issac Asimov, Tamora Pierce, Tolkien, C.S. Lewis, Anne McCaffery, Mercedes Lackey

Favorite Games

Star Wars: The Old Republic
Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic (I and II: Sith Lords)
Final Fantasy IV, IX, XIV
World of Warcraft
The Elder Scrolls: III, IV, V
Magic: The Gathering
Dungeons and Dragons